Friday, September 30, 2016

The West Nile Virus

By Rose Kreller of Medi-Waste Disposal 

West Nile virus is an arthropod-borne virus (arbovirus) most commonly spread by infected mosquitoes.  West Nile virus can cause febrile illness, encephalitis (inflammation of the brain) or meningitis (inflammation of the lining of the brain and spinal cord). 

Most people who get West Nile virus are infected by the bite of an infected mosquito.  Mosquitoes become infected when they feed on infected birds.  Infected mosquitoes can then spread the virus to humans and other animals.

Typically people get infected with West Nile virus from June through September.

West Nile virus disease cases have been reported from all 48 lower states.  The only states that have not reported cases are Alaska and Hawaii.  The weather, numbers of birds that maintain the virus, numbers of mosquitoes that spread the virus and human behavior are all factors that an influence when and where outbreaks occur.

Avoiding exposure to mosquitoes is the best way to avoid getting West Nile virus.  The CDC also recommends doing the following to reduce your risk of mosquito bites:
  • Use repellents with Deet, Picardin, IR3535 oroil of lemon eucalyptus
  • Take extra care during peak mosquito biting hours.  Use repellent and wear protective clothing from dusk to dawn.
  • Install or repair screens on windows and doors to keep mosquitoes outside.
  • Help reduce the number of mosquitoes around your home by emptying standing water from flowerpots, utters, buckets, pool covers, pet water dishes, discarded tires and birdbaths on a regular basis.

Midwest Medical Waste, Inc.
PO Box 416
Manhattan, KS 66505
Office: 785-539-MEDI (6334)
Toll Free: 855-631-MEDI (6334)

Friday, September 23, 2016

How to Stop Eating Junk Food

By Rose Kreller of Medi-Waste Disposal 

Junk food is tempting but can have dangerous consequences. Here are some tips on how to quit snacking on the junk.
  1.  Plan ahead.  There is no better way to handle cravings than to plan your meals and snacks ahead of time.  If you eat healthy throughout the day, you are less likely to grab some junk food.  Try to plan your week’s meals on Sunday, or at least the day before you busy week starts.  Use food storage containers to pack serving sizes that you can grab in the morning
  2. Shop the perimeter.  The perimeter of the grocery store typically includes the produce, dairy, meat and fish sections.  This is where you find the “real” foods rather than processed foods.  Eating from these foods will give your body the nutrients it needs, so your cravings for other foods decreases.
  3. Eat healthy fats.  Your body needs fat.  However, there are many types of fats.  Avoid trans-fat and limit the amount of saturated fat.  Nuts and avocados are heart healthy fats that help you feel full and reduce cravings.
  4. Eat enough protein.  Protein makes you feel full.  Look for healthy sources of protein including fish, beans, nuts, lean meats or cheese.  If you feel full, there is less desire for junk food.
  5. Try fruit.  Fruit does have sugar, but it also has vitamins, antioxidants, water and fiber.  These tend to help balance your blood sugar.  If you are craving something sweet, grab a bowl of berries.
  6. Taste the rainbow.  Add new and different foods to your diet.  The more varied your diet, the less likely you will get bored and crave junk food.
  7. Think about junk food differently.  A 2013 study showed that when people were trained to look at and interpret one of their most craved junk foods in negative light, their desire for it lessened.  Tell yourself you are full, save the item for later, think of the negative consequences of eating the food (weight gain, etc.).  The mind is more powerful than you might think!
  8. Focus on adding healthy foods.  Focusing on the positive side of eating healthy is more effective than focusing on the need to remove junk food.  The more healthy foods you eat, the easier it will be to crowd out the unhealthy ones.
  9. Work on stress management.  There is almost always an emotional component behind cravings.  Consider how you may be eating as a way to alter feelings, procrastinate or distract yourself.  Practice redirecting yourself when you feel the urge to reach for food instead of what needs to be done.
  10. Get more sleep.  Lack of sleep can has effects on your mood and energy level, but it also plays a role in junk food cravings.  Studies show that sleep restriction resulted in more hunger and less ability to control intake of snacks.  

Midwest Medical Waste, Inc.
PO Box 416
Manhattan, KS 66505
Office: 785-539-MEDI (6334)
Toll Free: 855-631-MEDI (6334)

Friday, September 16, 2016

Tips for Better Flips

By Rose Kreller of Medi-Waste Disposal

Wow!  Look At All The Benefits of Gymnastics

We have all watched Olympic gymnasts and been amazed at their strength, flexibility, balance and control. 

  •  Flexibility.  Flexibility is a key factor in gymnastics.  Increasing your flexibility can be effective to reduce injury and gain greater control of the body.
  • Disease prevention.  Gymnastics can help prevent health conditions such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes.  It helps encourage a healthy lifestyle.
  • Gymnastics is a weight bearing activity, and that can help to develop strong bones.
  • Several studies show that children who participate in physical activity, like gymnastics are likely to have better self-esteem
  • The American Heart Association suggests children participate in 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Participating in gymnastics helps meet this recommendation.
  • Gymnastics not only offers physical gain, but also improves concentration and mental focus.  Gymnasts also gain improved coordination to be better equipped to avoid falls.
  •  In children, gymnastics also provides an opportunity to develop social skills and instill self-discipline. 

Midwest Medical Waste, Inc.
PO Box 416
Manhattan, KS 66505
Office: 785-539-MEDI (6334)
Toll Free: 855-631-MEDI (6334)