Rose Kreller of Medi-Waste Disposal
can’t avoid stress, but we can be mindful of situations that trigger stress and
anxiety. Here are some suggestions for preventing stress.
Identify Your Streesors
in an unavoidable reality. Part of stress management is working to avoid
situations that cause the most stress and anxiety. Identifying stressors can be
difficult. It might be obvious, such as
a difficult relationship, health concerns or work environment. Sometimes there might be a root cause that is
more challenging to identify. Keep a
journal of stress reactions and anxiety and look for patterns as to what
increases anxiety. Plan ways to avoid
those situations.
Modify Your Schedule
stressors are uncontrollable; however, some we can modify. If you know grocery shopping on Monday after
work rattles you because of long lines and no parking, then adjust your
schedule to shop another day and time. Set limits. Don’t stretch
yourself too thin with activities. Set
priorities for things you are most passionate about and dedicate time to
those. Learn to say “no”.
Don't Become Overwhelmed
When faced with
multi-tasking, make a list. This helps
to see what needs to be prioritized and what can wait.
Involve Other People
Talk with your spouse,
friends or coworkers and let them know you are trying to reduce stress. They may be able to help you identify
stressful situations. Be open to advice
and help from others.
Be Active.
Exercise is often skipped when
we are stressed. Regular exercise
improves mood and lowers symptoms of anxiety and stress. It also can help with sleep.
an Optimist.
A positive attitude helps
keep us from slipping into feeling overwhelmed.
For more stress management techniques and ideas, check out
Midwest Medical Waste, Inc.
PO Box 416
Manhattan, KS 66505
Office: 785-539-MEDI (6334)
Toll Free: 855-631-MEDI (6334)
Office: 785-539-MEDI (6334)
Toll Free: 855-631-MEDI (6334)